Litany of the Blessed Sacrament
Down in adoration falling
He who is the beginning
The first born of the dead
So that primacy may be His in everything
In you there is abundant comfort
In you there is infinite mercy
In you there is peace beyond all understanding
In you there is all consolation
In you there is justice
In you there is mighty protection
In you there is abiding love
In you there is unfailing hope
In you there is unbounding strength
In you there is divine compassion
In you there is redemption
In you there is righteousness
In you there is sight
In you there is wisdom
In you there is light
In you there is life
In you there is perfect patience
Let us bow down and worship
Bending the knee before the Lord our maker
For he is our God and we are His people
The flock he shepherds
Given on the Feast of St. John Capistrano, Priest
October 23, 2019
Scott Francis Davis, O.P.